The CS force me to downloaded this application or I won't get the parking discounts offer….I can't download it at that time as my hands are full of stuff…… I have spent the money in the mall and I don't get any parking discounts………and the application is not working for some OS…. Stupid management in forcing customer to download the application but not available for all OS…. Scam
not user friendly
要專登download 呢個apps,先至有 消費泊車優惠。 但係如果用 八達通 泊車 , 純粹只係show有download咗個apps, 為download唔download。 多此一舉,麻鬼煩,令人反感的marketing! 泊完車我就 立即 delete apps!
Some information is not accurate and updated, eg Wo Che Parking promotion. It has changed since last month to e-payment receipts instead of machine printed ones but the App information remains machine printed receipts.
Clear information and useful parking info
Used the E-parking app and didnt register entry event though i got in. rubbish app
always clashed when hv mobile restart
i did this for Joox